724.34119/1653: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the President of the Chaco Peace Conference (Cantilo)

Due to the departure from Buenos Aires of the Honorable Spruille Braden, who is to assume his duties as Minister of the United States to Colombia, my Government has decided to appoint the Honorable [Page 175] Alexander W. Weddell, Ambassador of the United States to Argentina, as Delegate of the United States to the Chaco Peace Conference. Ambassador Weddell’s full power will be mailed in the near future. Pending the receipt of the full power, will Your Excellency, as President of the Peace Conference, be good enough to recognize Ambassador Weddell in his capacity as delegate of this Government at the Conference.

Mr. Allen Haden, Secretary to the Delegation of the United States, is to be appointed Assistant to the Delegate, in order that he may act for the Delegation of the United States during any absences of Ambassador Weddell.

In transmitting this information, I avail myself [etc.]

Cordell Hull