393.1123 Nyhus, Phoebe/4: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)

278. Your 516, October 27, 8 p.m. The implication is that the bombing was by Japanese planes. If there is any doubt as to nationality of the attacking planes, please investigate immediately. Please telegraph report on this point as soon as possible, repeating your reply to Shanghai for relay urgently to Tokyo. In case the bombing was by Japanese planes, Tokyo should make vigorous and urgent representations to the Japanese Government.

If you have not already done so, please instruct Shanghai and Hankow to bring this matter urgently to the attention of the appropriate Japanese authorities. The Department assumes that you and the Consulate General at Hankow are rendering all appropriate and practicable assistance.

Repeated to Shanghai and Hankow. Shanghai, please repeat to Tokyo.
