
Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck) of a Conversation With the First Secretary of the British Embassy (Broadmead)

Reference, the Department’s aide-mémoire of January 29 and January 31 to the British Embassy.

Mr. Broadmead called me on the ‘phone and, referring to the Department’s aide-mémoire of January 31, said that the British Embassy had a message from the Foreign Office stating that the Foreign Office had complied with our request that they communicate with the French Government. Also, that the British Government does not intend at this time to reduce its armed forces in north China.

Further, with regard to the request in the Department’s aide-mémoire of January 29 for information regarding the British Government’s reference to a “general settlement,” Mr. Broadmead said that the Foreign Office said that it was hoping to give us something on that subject shortly.