793.94/11969: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

3. In a conversation today with the Chief of the Far Eastern Section of the Foreign Office respecting the recently announced changes in the Chinese Government, particularly as affecting Chiang Kai Shek,13 he commented that Chinese internal affairs were most difficult of interpretation but that he felt that this change might have as a purpose the facilitating, with regard to the personalities involved, direct relations with Japan.

With reference to press accounts that Germany through the German Ambassador at Tokyo had made moves looking to act as mediator between the two parties, von Schmieden denied that any such action had been taken. He said that the German diplomatic representatives in China and Japan were naturally discussing with their colleagues and others the problem of the restoration of peace for which Germany was most anxious. It was evident, however, that for Germany to attempt to play the role of mediator before the time was auspicious for a successful issue would not only serve no useful purpose but would probably place Germany in a most difficult position vis-à-vis both parties.

  1. Generalissimo Chiang retired in favor of Dr. H. H. Kung as President of the Chinese Executive Yuan (Premier).