761.93 Manchuria/231: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

387. Voroshilov, People’s Commissar for Defence, in a speech delivered on Red Square November 7 published in Izvestiya today in referring to the Lake Khasan incident characterized the Japanese as “our stupid neighbors” and reminded them and “all other restless and impertinent enemies” that the next time they attempted to violate Soviet territory the Red Army would not be obligated to confine military action to the area attacked by the enemy but that it “is more convenient and easier for us to crush the enemy on his own territory.” This warning was also contained in the Pravda and Izvestiya editorials today. Voroshilov continued that the fighting forces of the Soviet Union were fully aware of the present situation and that consequently they were continually perfecting their defence.

Pravda of November 7 published so-called orders issued by Voroshilov and by Frinovski, newly appointed People’s Commissar for [Page 486] Navy, stating inter alia that a Fascist crusade is organizing against the Soviet Union and emphasizing the determination and ability of the Soviet Union to defend its frontiers.
