793.94/13408: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 8—1:32 p.m.]
964. My 960, July 7, 3 p.m.94 With 14 bombings, 4 killings and the employment of practically all military and police protection together with a part of the Shanghai volunteer forces including the Russian company to prevent disorder, yesterday was one of the tensest days spent in Shanghai for some time. Hundreds of suspects were arrested by the Settlement and French police authorities and close patrols were maintained throughout the day and night. The French police arrested a Chinese in whose possession was found a hand grenade. The arrested Chinese, at French police headquarters, confessed to being one of a group of Chinese terrorists sent to Shanghai from Hankow, with the necessary equipment, to create terrorism in the Settlement and French Concession. There is a common belief in the city that the organized terrorism that has prevailed in the city for the past several weeks, which was particularly flagrant yesterday, has been instigated by the Hankow authorities. This belief is so strong that the Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Council, Mr. Cornell S. Franklin,95 came to see me this morning and requested that this phase of the matter be brought to the attention of the Department with a view to the Department instructing the Ambassador at Hankow to bring the matter to the attention of the Chinese authorities there. Mr. Franklin emphasized the fact that, in spite of every effort of the police of the Settlement to prevent terrorism, the neutrality of the Settlement has repeatedly been violated by such acts. He further pointed out that [Page 216] the Settlement police have done their utmost to protect the vast amount of Chinese property in the Settlement as well as the property of all others. He believes that the Hankow authorities should cooperate in every possible way with the Settlement authorities in preventing acts of terrorism and he asks the help of the American authorities to that end in the manner suggested above. He has also discussed the matter with the British Consul General who lis referring it as requested.
Repeated to Hankow.