611.6731/467: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray)

33. Your No. 65, December 11, 4 p.m.56

Please telegraph immediately text of proposed Balkan clause.
The Department desires to avoid any publicity regarding the terms of the agreement or the fact that a text has been initialed until text is signed and made public along with a press release analyzing the agreement. Please make arrangements with the Turks in this sense.
Since it is necessary to have exact text and to obtain final clearance before authorizing signature, it is assumed that the initialing of the draft on Thursday will signify agreement of the negotiators only and that the draft will be subject to final approval here as well as to any necessary technical and drafting changes.
The Turkish request for a further concession on rugs is being given consideration with a view to instructing you before Thursday.
  1. Not printed.