611.6731/245a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Turkey (Kelley)

3. Please inform the Turkish Government that the formal notice of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with Turkey referred to in the Department’s telegram No. 109, December 23, 7 p.m.,2 will be issued here for publication in morning newspapers Wednesday, January 12.3 Copies of announcement are being forwarded to you by mail and are being given Turkish Embassy here.

In accordance with our established procedure the formal notice states that the final date for the receipt of briefs from interested persons with respect to products to be considered is February 9, and oral hearings will open February 23. We would be able therefore to begin discussions with the Turkish delegation here on or about March 1.

  1. Ibid., p. 953.
  2. Department of State, Press Releases, January 15, 1938, p. 108.