
The Consul General at Jerusalem (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

No. 602

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 556 of March 19, 1938, on the new regulations governing the entry of foreigners into Palestine for the period April 1 to September 30, 1938, particularly to the estimates given on page 4 as to the number of immigrants who would probably be admitted under those regulations.

An immigration ordinance was published in Palestine Gazette No. 779 of May 5, 1938, setting forth the number of aliens to be admitted as immigrants in the restricted categories for the period April 1 to September 30, 1938. Students and near dependents (wives and children) of immigrants and legally admitted aliens will continue to be admitted without numerical restriction.

That the maximum numbers which may be admitted in the various categories are only slightly more liberal than those established by the regulations of March 15, 1938, will be seen from the following comparative tabulation.

Category Maximum which may be admitted under new regulations. Under regulations of March 15, 1938.
A (1) Capitalists with LP 1000 2020 2000
A (4) Pensioners with LP 4 monthly 20 *10
A (5) Agriculturists with LP 500 20 *20
B (1) Orphans under 16 years 10
B (2) Persons of religious professions 200
C Laborers 1150 1000
D Dependents other than wives and children   250   200
Totals 3670 3200

* Specifically included in the 2000 maximum of category A (1). [Footnote in the original.]

This increase of 470 in the maximum number which may be admitted effects little change in the general picture and I see no reason to change the estimate given in my despatch of March 19, that approximately 7,300 immigrants will enter the country during the current six month period. It may be that the need to give refuge to Jews from Germany will cause the Palestine authorities to give more sympathetic consideration to individual applications. However, even if the restricted categories be filled, which, as stated in my previous [Page 920] despatch, is considered as unlikely by a high official of the Department of Migration, it is thought that not more than 9,770 persons could be admitted under the existing regulations during the six month period. This figure is reached as follows:

Total of restricted categories 3670
Dependents of immigrants 4000
Dependents of residents of Palestine 600
Students 1500
Total 9770

The number of dependents generally brought to Palestine by immigrants is calculated by the Department of Migration to be slightly more than one per immigrant. [Footnote in the original.]

These two classes were estimated by the Honorable Edwin Samuel, Deputy Commissioner for Migration. [Footnote in the original.]

Respectfully yours,

G. Wadsworth