711.822/17: Telegram

The Minister in Liberia ( Walton ) to the Secretary of State

42. Vis-à-vis Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation54 I am asked for clarification of the following points by the Liberian Government: Article I line 2, “travel”, that Liberian nationals while traveling in any part of the United States or its territories in public conveyances, shall enjoy the same facilities accorded the nationals of the most-favored-nation, should be specifically stated; article IX paragraph 2, line 11 “or permitted to be imported or sold” phrase repetitious and might be deleted; article XIV, vessels should be qualified id est “merchant” or “private” et cetera; revision of article XXII making provision reciprocal thereby giving civil aircraft of Liberia same consideration in the United States.

The Liberian Government does not consider these points of sufficient importance to change text of treaty. A note for appendage to copies of treaty will be satisfactory.

  1. For draft articles of proposed treaty, see ibid., p. 788.