The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)
Sir: Reference is made to the first paragraph of the Department’s telegram No. 8, of February 10, 1938, in which it was stated that copies of the standard draft of general provisions for inclusion in trade agreements would be sent you. There are enclosed herewith copies of these provisions for transmittal to the Iranian Government. For your information and guidance, there are also enclosed copies of a memorandum52 explaining the general objective of the draft article relating to foreign exchange control and the purpose of the specific assurances it provides. It is believed that certain parts of this memorandum will be of assistance to you in explaining the purpose of this provision to the Iranian Government. There are also enclosed, for such use as you deem advisable in your conversations with the Iranian authorities, copies of a memorandum52 explaining the procedure followed by this Government in connection with trade-agreement negotiations and the Department’s preliminary and formal announcements with regard to negotiations with Turkey.
Very truly yours,