
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)33a

Referring to my attached memorandum of January 12, 1939,34 with regard to the reopening of the Iranian Legation in Washington, I have the following further developments to report:

Dr. Ali Akbar Daftary, Chargé d’Affaires designate of Iran in Washington, called this morning to discuss with me telegraphic instructions just received from his Government in response to the telegram sent by him on about January 12 and referred to in the attached memorandum. This telegram, signed by the Iranian Foreign Minister, which reached the Legation this morning, reads about as follows:

“I have taken your telegram to His Majesty and he has ordered:

‘Announcement by the Secretary of State is not advisable. Present yourself without any noise.’”

After discussing the above development with Mr. McDermott35 it is our considered view that the best procedure to follow under the circumstances would be as follows:

After Dr. Daftary presents himself officially to the Secretary of State early next week, an inquiry will be made by one of the correspondents at the Secretary’s press conference that day as to whether there have been any recent developments looking to the reopening of the Iranian Legation in Washington. In reply to this inquiry it is suggested that the Secretary might make a few remarks along the lines of the attached draft.34

The above remarks, coming as they would in reply to a question, would in our opinion and in that of Mr. McDermott obviate the apparent objection of the Shah to any formal announcement on the part of the Secretary of State, but would at the same time strike a friendly official tone, the effect of which would not be lost upon the correspondents and would, so we believe, provide a good sendoff for the resumption of our relations with Iran.

After the above remarks would have been made by the Secretary it would be our intention to telegraph the transcript thereof to our Legation in Teheran in order that the Iranian Government might be [Page 750] informed of the tenor of the remarks as well as the exact circumstances under which they were made. Dr. Daftary is in accord with the above procedure.

If the above suggestion meets with your approval we shall lay our plans accordingly.

Dr. Daftary has now sent a communication to the Secretary stating that he has been instructed to reopen the Legation and asking when it would be convenient for him to be received. I understand that the Secretary’s office has set 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday as the time for Dr. Daftary to call upon the Secretary.

Wallace Murray
  1. Addressed to the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Michael J. McDermott, Chief, Division of Current Information.
  4. Not printed.