840.48 Refugees/1196: Telegram (part air)
The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 30—8:10 a.m.]
153. British Minister here informs me that press report to the effect that the Rumanian Government has formally applied to the British Government for permission to send 50,000 Jews a year for 3 years to Palestine is greatly exaggerated as the only conversation so far on the subject has been but tentative. He added that even if such a request were made he did not think it had a chance of being granted but that he himself personally would be in favor of a “token” emigration from Rumania to Palestine. The Rumanian authorities are much distressed at the continued refusal of the International Committee to consider also the Jewish problem in Rumania.17
- For correspondence on the efforts of the International Refugee Committee to provide refuge for persecuted European Jews, see vol. i, pp. 740 ff.↩