840.48 Refugees/1196: Telegram (part air)

The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State

153. British Minister here informs me that press report to the effect that the Rumanian Government has formally applied to the British Government for permission to send 50,000 Jews a year for 3 years to Palestine is greatly exaggerated as the only conversation so far on the subject has been but tentative. He added that even if such a request were made he did not think it had a chance of being granted but that he himself personally would be in favor of a “token” emigration from Rumania to Palestine. The Rumanian authorities are much distressed at the continued refusal of the International Committee to consider also the Jewish problem in Rumania.17

  1. For correspondence on the efforts of the International Refugee Committee to provide refuge for persecuted European Jews, see vol. i, pp. 740 ff.