871.4016 Jews/47: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Rumania (Gunther)

2. Your No. 3, January 7, 3 p.m. A correspondent in the press conference yesterday morning said there were current press reports to the effect that French and British Governments had protested over the treatment accorded the Jewish people in Rumania, and asked whether this Government has taken any action. I replied that notwithstanding our policy of supporting such doctrines as freedom of religion and equal treatment of those of different religions, as well as races, this Government, standing as it does for the doctrine of nonintervention in the domestic affairs of other nations, except where the rights of its nationals are involved, is not in a position to depart from that doctrine in any case. I went on to say that we are not unmindful [Page 675] of developments in every part of the world as they relate to treatment of minorities and we observe with close interest the developments in the instant case.

You may continue, as occasion arises, to express general interest in developments which might indicate discriminatory action because of the interest of public opinion here, without taking any action which might be construed as intervention in the domestic affairs of Rumania not involving the rights of American citizens.
