362.1113/35: Telegram
The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 27—8:45 a.m.]
200. Vienna’s April 25, 6 p.m. I have presented a memorandum to the Foreign Office giving circumstances. Consul General is discussing matter with Gestapo authorities requesting that rigid instructions be issued immediately to S. A. and S. S. organizations in Austria to respect American citizens.
I have written Wiley requesting completest possible details in all cases of this nature in the form of sworn affidavits. Geist92 is of the opinion that this is essential for adequate presentation of cases to Gestapo.
In respect to Vienna’s April 26, 1 p.m., I shall await such detailed information and consultation with Wiley before taking further action.
- Raymond Geist, First Secretary of Embassy in Germany.↩