811.659 Helium/136: Telegram

The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

245. I feel it incumbent on me to report that feeling is running exceedingly high in German circles among those who are aware of our decision respecting helium.

Thus far restraint has been exercised on the German press and no notice has been published recently regarding helium. There is no [Page 461] way of knowing, however, how long this will last. Expressions of German opinion both in and out of Government circles as reported previously are those of surprise and deep resentment over our abrogating what they feel to have been a definite understanding.

Goering is absent in Austria but I am inclined to believe that on his return his resentment (see my 212 of April 29, 10 p.m.) and that of almost all Germany will be such that it will be difficult for us to obtain favorable decisions in respect of Austrian obligations,30 registration of Jewish property,31 et cetera.

I suggest that for a period of time until this matter may have been forgotten we would risk direct rebuffs were we to make any requests for favors from the German Government. This last is peculiarly unfortunate as the police operating in Vienna have taken favorable action for the benefit of numerous persons at our informal suggestion, even when such persons were not American citizens.32

  1. See pp. 483 ff.
  2. See pp. 355 ff.
  3. See pp. 506 ff.