851.248/68: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bullitt) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 17—8:35 a.m.]
778. Before I left Washington Mr. Joseph Green showed me a reply prepared by his Division to a request from the French Government for a definition of our policy with regard to the delivery of airplanes to France in case of war between France and Germany. I should be greatly obliged if a copy of this reply could be forwarded to me by pouch immediately.
I was astonished a few days ago to find that the Minister of Air La Chambre had been left with the impression by Baron de La Grange that deliveries of American planes to France would be continued even though France and Germany might be at war. I did my utmost to convince the Minister that he should not count on receiving a single American plane after a declaration of war; but feel that I should reinforce my verbal statements by handing him a written communication giving the point of view of our Government on this subject.