500.C111/1074: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

1093. My 1092, September 12, 10 a.m. In the Third Committee this morning the President announced that the replies of governments on the question of the publicity of national defense expenditure would be considered by the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference which would meet before the end of the Assembly. He also announced that the replies on national control of manufacture of and trade in arms would be considered by the Third Committee and suggested that the Committee recommend that governments again be approached on this question as many had not replied.

A Secretariat note6 giving a brief history of the question of the protection of civilian population from air bombing was circulated and it was agreed to hold a general discussion of this subject. Documents mailed.

  1. September 13, 1938, Protection of the Civilian Non-Combatant Population Against Air Bombing in Case of War (A.III./3.1938).