760C.60F/271: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Poland (Biddle)

44. Your 223, September 30, 5 p.m. It is the understanding of this Government that the matter of the Polish-Czech controversy was within the scope of and was specifically mentioned in the Four-Power Conference in Munich yesterday. There is consequently no reason to give consideration to the suggestion you have advanced.

Should the Polish Foreign Minister indicate that he intended to ask you to transmit to the President any proposal that the President suggest a conference to deal with this matter, you should do everything necessary to discourage him from making this request. If the Minister has already made this request, you should immediately tell him that for the reason above set forth your Government would be unable to give favorable consideration to such a suggestion.

The President desires you to add as a personal and friendly message from him to Beck that he trusts that the Polish Government will contribute to peace in Europe at this time by avoiding an armed clash and by solving the existing difficulty through pacific negotiation.
