863.00/1588: Telegram

The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

157. The declaration of the Austrian Catholic bishops endorsing the Anschluss and acknowledging the achievements of National Socialism (which is undoubtedly carried in the American press) is given prominent place in all the morning papers and is counted upon greatly to enhance a favorable vote in the Austrian plebiscite. The Party press portrays the statement principally as a concession to the Church which “is desirous of finding its way to the new State”.

The ultimate effect of the statement upon State–Church relationships still remain obscure. In some quarters a comparison is drawn between this step and that taken by the German Catholic bishops before the Saar plebiscite, a move, however, which later produced no positive results in ameliorating treatment of the Church. On the other hand it is seen that the declaration may stimulate efforts at a new adjustment which the cogency of the Austrian Catholic problem might possibly impel.
