The Secretary of State to the Vice Consul at Guaymas (Yepis)
Sir: The receipt is acknowledged of your despatch No. 335 of April 15, 1937,13 concerning the agrarian difficulties of American landowners in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora. You suggest that in case the Mexican Government definitely decides to expropriate the American properties in the Yaqui Valley under the Agrarian Code, the American landowners might find it advantageous to request the Mexican Government to conduct the expropriation proceedings under the Expropriation Law of November 23, 1936; and you inquire whether the Department desires that you suggest to the landowners, informally and without responsibility, that they consider the advisability of being prepared for such an eventuality.
The Department disapproves of the suggestion offered and desires that you make no such suggestion to the American landowners in the Yaqui Valley. Such a suggestion would amount to the giving of advice regarding the interpretation and applicability of Mexican legislation, and it is contrary to the practice of the Department to undertake to furnish advice of this nature.
Very truly yours,
- Not printed.↩