710.H Agenda/10
The Secretary of State to the Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe)
My Dear Dr. Rowe: With reference to the Revised List of Topics for the Program of the Eighth International Conference of American States which was transmitted to the Governments of the American Republics in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Governing Board of the Pan American Union at its meeting on June 16, 1937, I wish to communicate, through you, to the Governing Board, that the [Page 2] Government of the United States has no observations to present regarding the List of Topics for the Program except to suggest that the following topic be included on the Program: Improvement of Inter-American Communications.
The Government of the United States will be glad to participate in the conference on the basis of whatever agenda meets with the approval of all the Governments of the American Republics although such acquiescence will, of course, not be interpreted as implying that the Government of the United States will find itself in a position to support at the conference each topic now listed for inclusion in the Program.
Sincerely yours,