710.H Agenda/½

The Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I beg to send you herewith three copies of the report of the Subcommittee on Program of the Eighth International Conference of American States,2 to which is attached a revised list of topics for possible inclusion in the agenda.

As you will observe, the Governing Board in a covering resolution adopted at the session of June 16, 1937, requests that the Governments communicate their observations or suggestions on this list on or before November 1st, in order that the Board may proceed with the formulation of a project of program. At the same time the Governing Board requests the Governments to transmit with their observations or suggestions, projects which they may have prepared on any of the subjects appearing in the list of topics, in order that they may be distributed among the other Governments.

I beg to remain, my dear Mr. Secretary,

Most sincerely yours,

L. S. Rowe
  1. Eighth International Conference of American States, Lima, Peru, Report of the Subcommittee on Program, with revised list of topics for possible inclusion in the Agenda (Washington, Pan American Union.)