Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Beaulae) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Mr. James of the Bureau of Public Roads called at my request. I asked him regarding reported plans that Mr. MacDonald16 has for obtaining additional funds from Congress for assistance in the construction of the Inter-American Highway.
Mr. James said that he had recently prepared a report for Mr. MacDonald on the progress already made, and that the report embodied the suggestion that further assistance be given.
It is apparently in Mr. MacDonald’s mind to seek an additional appropriation of $1,000,000, and he apparently plans to discuss the matter directly with the White House.
I suggested to Mr. James the advisability of consultation with this Department and some agreement between the two Departments before any formal request for funds is initiated. I expressed the personal opinion that a request for an additional million dollars would probably have the approval of this Department.
Mr. MacDonald apparently has always been the moving spirit in obtaining funds for the Highway, and his interest and enthusiasm are, of course, commendable. From the point of view of correct procedure, however, I believe that he should take what steps he proposes to take in full agreement with this Department.
The additional $1,000,000 would be devoted to additional assistance in the form of bridge and highway construction in Central America.
- Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agriculture.↩