The Chargé in Guatemala (McKinney) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 3.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction of February 26, 1937, File No. 810.154/1131, relative to the further cooperation of the Guatemalan Government in the construction of the projected Inter American Highway through this country, and to the Legation’s despatch No. 229 of March 31, 1937,13 in reply thereto, in which the Department was informed that the offer of the American Government of funds for the highway construction, to be expended under certain specified conditions, was being given consideration by the appropriate Guatemalan authorities.
The Legation is now in receipt of a note from the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Guatemalan Government,14 a translated copy of which is herewith transmitted, from which it appears that the Government of Guatemala accepts with pleasure the offer of the [Page 186] United States to participate in advancing the construction of the Inter American Highway. It will be noted that Minister Salazar does not directly refer to the stipulations of the Department’s memorandum, forwarded with the instruction referred to above, and which were duly transmitted to the Foreign Office in a formal note dated March 2, 1937. The Legation assumes, however, that his present acceptance of the offer, and the fact that certain materials have already been ordered under it from the United States, implies the desire and intention of his Government of complying with the stipulations of the Department in the matter.
Respectfully yours,