693.002/367: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
214. On September 6 the Department received an aide-mémoire from the British Embassy89 stating that the British Embassy at Tokyo had been instructed, with reference to measures which the Japanese contemplate taking with regard to the Chinese Government revenues at Tientsin, to remind the Japanese Government of the substantial British interests in both the Chinese Customs and Salt Administrations and in the revenues therefrom and to request assurances from the Japanese Government that it intends to respect those British interests. In reply to the British Government’s inquiry whether or not the American Government contemplated action along similar lines, we stated that we had the matter under consideration.
On September 15 the Department received another British aide-mémoire89 which stated, with reference to reports that the Chinese Customs house at Taishan, Kwangtung Province, had been captured by the Japanese, that the British Embassy in Tokyo had again been instructed to draw the attention of the Japanese Government to the importance which the British Government attaches to the preservation of the Chinese Customs Administration. In reply to an inquiry with regard to parallel action by the American Government, we have stated that you have been authorized to consult with your British colleague and, in your discretion, to make an approach to the Japanese Government in the matter.
The Department suggests that such approach be along the following lines:
The American Government has an interest in the preservation of the Chinese Maritime Customs and of the Chinese Salt Administration and has an interest in the safeguarding of the revenues of those administrations. Reports of measures which the Japanese contemplate taking with regard to Chinese Customs and Salt Administrations at Tientsin and reports of Japanese military action directed against Chinese Customs houses on the coast of Kwangtung Province, with particular reference to the attack on the Customs house at Taishan, have come to our attention and we desire to invite the attention of the Japanese Government to those reports. The American Government holds the view that the integrity of the Chinese revenue administrations should be carefully respected and it has confidence that [Page 866] the Japanese Government holds a similar view and will act in conformity therewith.