693.94244/102: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

25. Your 42, February 6, 10 a.m.70 The Department authorizes you to take up informally and orally with the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs71 the question of smuggling into North China.

The Department instructed Nanking promptly to furnish the Department and your Embassy information showing the extent and trend since October 1, 1936, of smuggled trade in kerosene and other items important in American trade principally affected, but has not as yet received the information. In the circumstance, the Department suggests that in your discretion you point out that the serious smuggling situation in North China continues to exist, that that situation continues to have a serious adverse effect on American trade in general, mentioning kerosene and dyes as having been particularly affected, and that this situation continues to be of concern to this Government.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Kensuke Horinouchi.