893.0146/598: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson)
498. Under date December 10 the Department telegraphed the American Consul at Shanghai as follows:
“In response to inquiries made in regard to a press report from Shanghai that the contingent of U. S. Marines from San Diego was to be withdrawn next month on the Chaumont, the Navy Department is stating orally that the Chaumont is going back to Shanghai in the course of its regular schedule; that the Chaumont is due back at Shanghai about the end of January; and that if at that time Admiral Yarnell should consider the situation such as no longer to require the services of the San Diego Marines, the San Diego Marines will be withdrawn.”
Please informally inform the Foreign Office of the foregoing and state that we hope that in regard to reductions of armed forces under consideration or contemplated there may be exchanges of views and advance information toward facilitating possibility of parallel action.