793.04/10925: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

871. Embassy’s 814, October 16, 10 a.m.85

Chen Li Fu86 returned some days ago giving out that he had proceeded to Sinkiang for the purpose of consolidating government control there. According to informant cited in telegram under reference, he actually went to Moscow with Bogomoloff and among questions discussed with Soviet officials was possible arrangement whereby Soviet Union would make some gesture in ostensible recognition of full Chinese suzerainty over Outer Mongolia so that Mongolian military forces including air units could assist Chinese Government forces in fighting the Japanese. Informant stated this proposal was being favorably considered in reaching agreement. Soviet Ambassador is expected to return to Nanking about November 7.
A German military adviser informed us that he has heard that Klein, who was sent here last year by Hitler to work out commercial details of the Sino-German barter agreement, will arrive in China within a few days. He stated that he hopes this was true and was an indication of Germany’s “real attitude” toward present situation. (The German military advisers are staunchly pro-Chinese in the present conflict and appear to function as the actual directing general staff of the Chinese armies. General von Falkenhausen, the chief adviser, has just returned from the Shanghai front and other senior officers are there and on the northern fronts.)

Repeated to Peiping, Shanghai, Tokyo.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Member of Kuomintang Central Executive Committee’s standing committee and head of people’s training department, Military Affairs Council.