The High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands
(Murphy) to the Secretary of War (Woodring)
Mich., November 20, 1936.
Sir: It has come to the attention of the High
Commissioner’s office that certain foreign consuls at Manila make a
practice of sending directly to the office of the President of the
Philippines, instead of through the office of the High Commissioner,
notice of changes in personnel or other official actions. Simultaneous
notice is given this office also. Possibly other communications pass
directly between these consuls and the Commonwealth Government.
It may perhaps be considered that the Commonwealth Government is not
exactly analogous to the government of one of the states of the Union,
but in a sense may be considered a branch or agency of the Federal
Government, vested with general control of local government affairs in
the Philippines. To what extent the procedure observed by foreign
consuls in the United States is applicable or appropriate in the
Philippines is not wholly clear.
In view of the fact that matters relating to foreign affairs have been
excluded from the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth Government and are
among the prescribed duties and responsibilities which the High
Commissioner is called upon to discharge as the representative of the
President of the United States, question has arisen whether the practice
being followed by local consuls is a correct one.
[Page 981]
It will be recalled that official calls are first made by foreign consuls
on the High Commissioner. It would seem desirable to have the State
Department or other proper authority consider this matter of official
formal communications, and if necessary advise with representatives of
foreign countries at Washington concerning the proper procedure.
While this office has no serious objection to the prevailing practice and
recognizes that it may be a convenient and practical arrangement, it
would seem desirable to establish sound procedures and correct official
relations, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding concerning the
status, prerogatives, and jurisdiction of the respective offices of the
High Commissioner and the Commonwealth President. If possible, the
status of local consuls, the nature and extent of their relations with
the Commonwealth Government, should be more clearly determined and
stated for the information and guidance of all concerned.