550.41B1/121: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Dodd)

17. Your 28, February 9, 5 p.m. Please call again at the Foreign Office and express the hope that, in view of the importance of the German textile industry, Germany will be represented if possible by [Page 977] a qualified delegation or, if that is not possible, at least by an observer with wide technical knowledge of the textile industry. You may add that no decisions will be taken by the Conference, which is designed to provide merely an opportunity for discussions of the problems of the industry.

The Department has received an intimation that Germany may be represented by an observer.8

  1. By telegram No. 54, March 23, noon, the Embassy was informed that Germany would be represented at the Conference by a member of the German Embassy staff in Washington (550.41B1/138).

    Rumania, Turkey, and the Soviet Union were similarly represented by observers (American Delegations … 1937, p. 62).