The Secretary of State to the American Delegates to the Provisional International Sugar Council
The Secretary of State transmits for the information of the Delegates a copy of instruction No. 38 dated December 6, 1937, to the American Ambassador to Peru, with the enclosures mentioned therein, regarding Article 9 (c) of the International Sugar Agreement signed at London May 6, 1937.
The Delegates are requested to take no action toward bringing this matter to a head until further instructions, but may in their discretion indicate to interested parties their understanding that this Government is endeavoring to reach an understanding with the countries which would be the principal beneficiaries of quotas under Article 9 (c), as to the interpretation and appropriate use of the rights of the United States under the Article.
Copies of the enclosures are being sent to the American Minister to the Netherlands for his information with instructions that it is not contemplated that the Minister should handle this quesion vis-à-vis the Netherland Government unless it be to cooperate with the American Delegates to the Provisional International Sugar Council, and pursuant to further instructions.
A copy of the enclosed Memorandum of Information and copies of the documentary enclosures have also been sent to the American Minister to the Dominican Republic with instructions to take no action on the matter until further notice.