561.35E1A/109: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson)

409. Department’s 405, October 1, 5 p.m.14 The President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines has expressed the wish that the American Delegation represent Philippine interests at the present meeting of the Provisional International Sugar Council and vote under instructions of the Commonwealth. He adds that in the matter of the Agenda transmitted with despatch No. 3391, September 16,14 decision for the Philippines is left with the American Delegation, except that in reference to Point 7 of the Agenda, the Commonwealth desires that the date for the determination of the proportion of stocks to the production in the Philippines be set at November 1 of each year. He desires further opportunity to offer instructions to the American Delegation in the event that matters of import to the Philippine sugar industry not specifically included in the Agenda should arise.

He also states that it is his intention to recommend to the Philippine National Assembly at its special session this month the enactment of suitable legislation to implement the commitments of the Commonwealth Government made in the International Sugar Agreement in such manner as to prevent any delay in the procedure of ratification on the part of the Government of the United States.

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