711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/232: Telegram (part air)
The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Reed) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 24—8:45 a.m.]
36. Department’s telegram No. 16, August 19, 7 p.m.43 Translation Yugoslav declaration follows:
“The Yugoslav Government has noted with the greatest interest and sympathy the declaration which was made on the 16th of July 1937 to the representatives of the press at Washington by Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America. This declaration represents an important reaffirmation of the policy of peace [Page 800] of international collaboration and solidarity of which the Government of the United States has always been one of the most fervent partisans and champions. Yugoslavia remains as in the past firmly attached to this same policy and to the principles of non-recourse to force of non-intervention of economic rapprochement of the limitation and reduction of armaments. For itself, the respect of treaties and the scrupulous observation of international engagements so long as they are not modified by the consent of the interested states are the indispensable rules of international life. The Yugoslav Government desires sincerely and loyally the realization of the ideas of law, of peace, of collaboration and of prosperity which are championed with such authority and brilliance in the declaration of the Secretary of State of the United States of America.”
- Not printed.↩