711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/279

Memorandum by the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aras)41


The Minister for Foreign Affairs has noted with much interest the important declaration made by the Secretary of State of the United States of America and warmly thanks the Government of the United States for having transmitted it to him.

Acceding to the desire expressed by the distinguished author of the declaration, Dr. Aras is pleased to make known below the opinion of the Government of the Republic concerning the matter dealt with by His Excellency Mr. Hull.

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It should before all be observed that for the cause of peace and for international cooperation the method followed by the Secretary of State of the United States is a happy innovation, the usefulness of which will make itself felt in the evolution of international life.

To define the attitude of his Government toward questions which disturb the world and to request of those who direct other countries their views on the definitions thus afforded constitute in fact a method which cannot fail to produce the most salutary effects in facilitating mutual comprehension among all powers interested in finding a common formula for understanding and collaboration.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey desires in this connection to address his most cordial congratulations to the eminent American statesman.

Concerning the basic principles of the declaration Dr. Aras hastens to recall that the words spoken under most varied circumstances, as well by the Chief of State as by those who are responsible for directing Turkish policy, have found a constant confirmation in the acts accomplished by the Government of the Republic, and that these acts and these words have always accorded with the sense of the American declaration of July 16th last. This similarity of views permits Dr. Aras, in replying to the Secretary of State of the United States of America, to inform him that his declaration corresponds to the views of the Government of the Republic and when taken as a whole expresses the principle which is the basis for the foreign policy of Kemalist Turkey both as regards its conception and its application.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Turkey in his despatch No. 332, August 21; received September 7.