711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/217

Memorandum by the Greek Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Metaxas)38


The Chief of the Greek Government, with the deepest interest, has taken note of the statement made by the Secretary of State of the United States of America on July 16th last in favor of the maintenance of peace and the improvement of the world situation through military and economic disarmament.

Mr. Metaxas has observed that the principles set forth in the statement of the Secretary of State agree in general with the essentially pacific policy pursued by Greece.

As already stated to Mr. MacVeagh, the American Minister at Athens, the Chief of the Greek Government wishes to elucidate this policy with regard to one of the points covered by Mr. Hull’s statement, that is, the point referring to the modification of treaties.

In fact, Mr. Metaxas should point out that the territorial status in the Balkans, as established by the treaties of peace, is definitive and unalterable, as it was proclaimed by the Balkan Pact39 which has assured to Greece and to the other powers of the Balkan Entente the mutual guaranty of their frontiers in the Balkans.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Secretary of State by the Greek Minister in his note No. 1650, August 17; received August 18.
  2. Signed at Athens, February 9, 1934, by the states members of the Balkan Entente, Greece, Rumania, Turkey and Yugoslavia, League of Nations Treaty Series, Vol. cliii, p. 153.