711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/174: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Turkey (Washington)
65. Your 40, August 11, 6 p.m. The Department has no objection to publication of message in the form of an aide-mémoire reading as follows:
“The American Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, acting under instructions from his Government, had the honor of calling on August 11, 1937, on the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, to convey the sincere congratulations of Mr. Cordell Hull, American Secretary of State, on the part the Turkish Government had played, under the guidance of His Excellency President Ataturk, in the effort to foster and maintain peaceful relations with neighboring countries through the conclusion of the Middle Eastern Pact signed at Teheran on July 8, 1937. The Chargé d’Affaires added that Mr. Hull had had pleasure in observing from the terms of the Pact, a copy of which he had just received, that the Turkish Government and the other three Governments involved had clearly put into practice among themselves the good neighbor policy, as advocated by the United States and explained in detail in the statement issued by American Secretary of State on July 16, 1937.”