711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/133

The Venezuelan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Gil Borges) to the American Minister in Venezuela (Nicholson)70

No. 1815

Mr. Minister: I have received the Legation’s memorandum of the 26th instant71 by which Your Excellency communicates to my Government [Page 740] the statement made by His Excellency Mr. Cordell Hull as to the principles on which the international policy of the United States is inspired. Those principles are the same which have served and do serve as the standard for the international policy of Venezuela. Venezuela has affirmed its adherence to them by subscribing to all of the instruments of peace which have been formulated from the Congress of Panama in 1826 to the Conference of Buenos Aires in 1936; and moreover, it has affirmed that adherence in practice by submitting all its international differences to the means of peaceful solution. Consequently, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government is in accord with the points of view expressed by His Excellency the Secretary of State of the United States in the aforementioned statement.

I avail myself [etc.]

E. Gil Borges
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in his despatch No. 785, August 2; received August 9.
  2. Not in the Department files.