711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/19a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Referring to the statement I issued July 16 which was carried in Radio Bulletin No. 164 of July 16, you are requested to call at the Foreign Office and say that this statement has no doubt already come to the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and that you would be glad to transmit back to Washington his comment on the principles set forth in the statement and that you would likewise be glad to transmit any information he might wish to give you as to the attitude his Government might have toward keeping alive and making effective the principles featured in the statement.

Please explain to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that I feel that I may venture the expression of my belief that he and his Government fully share in the support given by this Government to the principles set forth in this statement, many of which indeed formed an essential portion of the agreements reached at the Conference at Buenos Aires for the Maintenance of Peace11 and all of which are consonant with the treaties, conventions and resolutions there adopted. You may say further that it seems to me singularly fitting at this critical time that as many nations of the world as possible make known publicly their support of these principles of international conduct and of policy, and that I would therefore welcome such action as his Government may find it appropriate to take in making known its effective support of them.
