352.1115/3744: Telegram

The Consul at Bilbao (Chapman), on Board the U. S. S. “Kane,” to the Secretary of State

0007. Arrived 6 miles off Santander July 7, 7 p.m. [a.m.?], forced by fog to delay going on shore until 2 p.m. Telegrams addressed to all known American citizens provinces Santander and Asturias under plan to finish evacuation by Friday at noon, to return that afternoon to France. Governor had received my wireless message announcing visit and we were cordially received and promised helpful assistance. President Aguirre of the Basques sent word he should like for us to visit him and sent automobiles for us but we called on Governor first. Aguirre did not know plan of New York organization to receive 500 Basque children but was much interested since he says his mission now is to help as much as possible the 200,000 Basques who have retreated to Santander province. Food very scarce. Quiet prevailing. Congested streets present pitiable spectacle of abandoned pride in personal appearance of a people convinced they are facing defeat. Aguirre very discreetly suggested [apparent omission] will overthrow all that is left of the Government in North Spain.

Repeated to Ambassador Bowers.
