
The Spanish Chargé (De la Casa) to the Secretary of State

No. 202.07

Mr. Secretary: With reference to the conversation which I had the pleasure of having yesterday with the Under Secretary of State, Mr. Sumner Welles with regard to obtaining the necessary permission [Page 516] so that Basque societies, enterprises and persons, domiciled in this country may be able to bring here a certain number of children from Bilbao and from the Basque country in order to perform the humanitarian work which they believe is incumbent upon them and demonstrate their solidarity with the philanthropic work which the Basque colonies in other countries, such as Mexico, France, England, etc., are doing, I take pleasure in advising you that the Basque Government has accepted the idea and proposal of the Basque elements living in North America and I therefore take the liberty of requesting Your Excellency to inform the Secretary of Labor or the competent authorities, that the Basque societies, entities, and persons can, in my opinion, furnish all the guarantees necessary to safeguard the moral, material and religious interests of the said children, and therefore the Basque Government and this Embassy would have the greatest pleasure and satisfaction in seeing permits issued for the entrance of the said children into this country.

I avail myself [etc.]

Enrique Carlos de la Casa