352.1115/3149: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

X–552. Department’s 282, March 11, 6 p.m. The Ministry of State will consult the military authorities and inform me of the views of the Spanish Government with respect to the evacuation by American naval vessels of American citizens of the category described. The Government’s attitude toward this general question, however, has been adversely affected by the action French diplomatic and consular representatives here in evacuating several hundred French deserters without prior consultation with the Spanish authorities. When an effort was made recently to repatriate another group of French deserters their embarkation was prevented, and similar action was taken in the case of a smaller group of British deserters.

In the meantime our own problem has largely solved itself through the disappearance of six of the deserters in question. They presumably are making their way toward the French frontier. The one remaining was brought to the Consulate by the military authorities themselves. If the Department will authorize me to place him (or any others who may arrive) on one of our naval vessels the necessary approval of the Spanish authorities probably can be obtained informally.
