852.00/5276: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Secretary of State

253. Guernica “holy city of the Basques” totally destroyed though an open country town with unarmed population by huge bombs dropped from insurgent planes of German origin and pilotage. Population fleeing to country attacked with hand grenades and machine guns in planes. London Times correspondent himself attacked with machine gun fire from German plane handled unexploded aluminum incendiary bombs on site of Guernica. Denials by insurgents and Germany following world reaction incredible. The extermination of town in line with Mola’s threat to exterminate every town in province unless Bilbao surrenders.

Government claim today that a thousand Germans were landed from German war ships at San Sebastian bears out information in my possession some days before and incorporated in my despatch sent [Page 291] Wednesday.74 Reputable foreign businessmen in San Sebastian informed a member of my staff on Saturday that two German pocket battleships at Pasajes apparently sent their entire crews ashore and that many of these were still on shore after the ships departed though they had put aside their naval uniforms for khaki. These were presumed to be aviators, officers and mechanicians intended for Bilbao. From the same conservative source learn that a complete German motorized unit passed through San Sebastian recently for Bilbao front. A German submarine has been for several days in waters of San Sebastian. More Italian and German officers in uniforms of their own armies seen in San Sebastian now than ever before.

Reliably informed that Basques had but 8 planes when attacked by insurgents 70 and much astonishment here that Government has not sent aviation reenforcements. Report today unverified that Prieto has reached Bilbao with 35 planes. Aguirre, Basque President, has just announced by radio that Government planes have just sunk the rebel warship España.

Plans are in progress to evacuate women and children here from Bilbao in British, French and Spanish warships.

  1. Despatch No. 1276, April 27; not printed.