852.00/4671: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

X–501. My [X–]499, February 12, 6 p.m.35 Today’s papers report the approval by all political parties and syndical organizations of the following program:

The Government to possess all powers.
General mobilization and compulsory military service.
Intensification of work on coast defenses.
Creation of war industries under Government control.
Unified command.
Fulfillment of its functions by council of war.
“Purification” of all important military commands placing in them persons of absolute ability and loyalty to the present state.
All arms to be in charge of Government.
Establishment of efficient maritime and coast guard services.
Restoration of effectiveness to police force.

No mention is made of the dangerous proposal to curtail the display of the social-political flags and emblems.

The response to the U. G. T.36 invitation to participate in tomorrow’s “manifestation” appears to have been unanimously favorable with the exception of the F. A. I.37 which has refused. The official organ of this [Page 241] organization continues its defiant tone and in an editorial today states that there is no institution in Spain superior to the C. N. T.,38 U. G. T., and F. A. I., and rejects the idea of amalgamating their armed forces with those of the Government—which it says must be changed.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Union General de Trabajadores.
  3. Federación Anarquista Ibérica.
  4. Confederación Nacional de Trabajo.