817.00/8212: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:35 p.m.]
31. Department’s unnumbered telegram [No. 14] April 26, noon.59 Last night subsequent to the despatch of my telegrams Nos. 29 and 30,60 General Somoza informed me by telephone that as a result of my talk with him on Wednesday night, he had spoken to officers of the Guardia, who expressed themselves as being in accord with his decision not to execute Cuadra in the absence of authorization from the President. Somoza stated to me this morning that he is convinced of [Page 854] the soundness of my advice and expressed his deep gratitude. He showed me private memorandum sent him by General Moncada indicating that prestige of the Guardia and of Somoza would suffer if action insubordinate to the President were taken. Somoza said that there is now no danger of any uprising in the Guardia and that the Cuadra incident should serve to improve the relations between the Government and the Guardia. In other words, according to the information in my possession, the situation is decidedly more satisfactory in two essential respects: (a) Somoza unqualifiedly states that he will obey President’s decision, and, (b), according to Somoza, the officers of the Guardia will support Somoza in his obedience to the President. I have no reason to question Somoza’s sincerity to me in this matter.
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