
The Secretary of State to the Governor of Arizona (Moeur)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, by reference from the White House, of your letter of March 13, 1935,54 enclosing a copy of House Concurrent Memorial No. 2, Twelfth Legislature, State of Arizona,55 praying that the United States Senate adopt a resolution recently introduced by Senator William E. Borah, which would authorize investigation of the Mexican religious situation.

Notwithstanding the altogether definite policies and views on the subject obtaining in this country, I believe it will be understood that other nations are recognized as being entitled to regulate for themselves their internal religious conditions in such manner as they may deem proper and that, accordingly, it is not within the province of this Government to intervene in the situation in Mexico to which reference is made.

I have [etc.]

Cordell Hull
  1. Not printed.
  2. Acts, Resolutions and Memorials of the Regular Session Twelfth Legislature of the State of Arizona, 1935, p. 550.