
Memorandum by the Department of State

In response to many communications recently received by the Department of State from members of Congress and others concerning the American Ambassador to Mexico and the reported anti-religious policies of the Mexican Government, the Secretary of State has replied as follows:

So far as I am aware, protests regarding Ambassador Daniels resulted from an address made by him in Mexico City on July 26, 1934. It is my feeling, however, that these protests are due to misinterpretations of Ambassador Daniels’ remarks. He has, I think, made it abundantly clear in his reply to criticisms of his speech, that there was not the slightest intention on his part of expressing any opinion on controversial matters in Mexico. I am enclosing, for your information, a copy of the Department’s press release of October 17, 1934, which contains Ambassador Daniels’ statement to this effect.

[Page 784]

I may add that, notwithstanding the altogether definite policies and views on the subject obtaining in this country, I know you understand that other nations are recognized as being entitled to regulate for themselves their internal religious conditions in such manner as they may deem proper and that, accordingly, it is not within the province of this Government to intervene in the situation in Mexico to which your correspondents refer.

A copy of the Department’s press release of October 17, 1934, mentioned above, is attached hereto.38

  1. Ante, p. 782.