611.1531/95: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Keena20) to the Secretary of State

37. I have received and studied Department’s instruction No. 712 July 20 and Department’s telegram No. 31 July 27, noon.21 In my opinion the most expeditious method of procedure here will be to prepare and present to the Minister for Foreign Affairs a tentative completed draft of the General Provisions plus Schedule I and II with headings all drawn to embody points which have been settled and Department’s desires in relation to the points still at issue. A draft of this nature would be inclusive of whatever desires may be expressed in the Department’s answer to my telegram No. 36 July 22, 6 p.m.,22 which is now awaited. If the Department agrees that it would be preferable to proceed in this manner rather than taking up piecemeal the changes suggested in the Department’s instruction No. 712 July 20th, the Department’s telegram No. 31, July 27 noon, and the changes which may be directed by the Department’s reply to my telegram No. 36 July 22, 6 p.m. instruction is asked on following, viz: reference Department’s telegram No. 31, July 27, noon.

1. Should not effort be made to remove limitation clause from head note for Schedule I and, in substitution, incorporate if possible in General Provisions as second to last article a statement identical or similar in terms with article 13 of trade agreement with Haiti [?]23

  1. Leo J. Keena presented his credentials on July 19.
  2. Neither printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. 49 Stat. 3737, 3746.