838.51/2974: Telegram

The Chargé in Haiti (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

73. My telegram number 68, August 23, 2 p.m. I received this morning a long note from Minister for Foreign Affairs referring to my interview with him last Friday and purporting to explain the Haitian position on the loan. He side-steps the point of the American Government’s surprise raised in my interview with the President and develops at some length Haiti’s legitimate desire to free herself from foreign financial control stating it has applied itself to the task “knowing in this special case it could do without American assistance and that it acted with the presumed knowledge of the Department of State”. The note then states desire of Haitian Government “in certain affairs for the mediation, good offices, cooperation and even should occasion require, the benevolent support” of the United States.

Copies will be forwarded in Saturday’s air mail.53

  1. Not printed.