638.5131/77: Telegram

The Chargé in Haiti (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

60. Department’s telegram 28, July 10, 2 p.m. This morning I delivered orally and informally substance of Department’s telegram to Minister for Foreign Affairs.

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He informed me that in making both informal agreements to give 50% of the freight to French companies and to purchase all sacks used for coffee exports to France, the Haitian Legation in Paris had been instructed to insist that these conditions were contingent on the freight rates and coffee sack prices being competitive. I told him that I had an inquiry this morning from the Panama line as to whether it would be possible for them to continue as before carrying coffee to New York for France but with the modification that they could make agreement with French transatlantic steamship companies to take it from there on. He replied that off hand he did not see any objection to this and at my suggestion this question is to be put up to him in a personal note to which he agreed to reply.

With respect to gold service of 1910 loan, the Minister again assured me that Haiti neither had given nor would give any commitments.
